sequential game in Chinese
- 逐次赛局, 序列赛局;逐步赛局
- "sequential" in Chinese : adj. 1.继续的;连续的;随着…而发生的 (to)。 2.结果的。 3. ...
- "a game" in Chinese : 一个游戏,一次比赛
- "be game" in Chinese : 勇于
- "game" in Chinese : n.;娱乐;戏谑;运动。 2.(运动、棋类等的)比赛,竞赛;(比赛 ...
- "game in" in Chinese : 有局方
- "game to" in Chinese : 胜一局
- "in game" in Chinese : 竞技状态良好
- "no game" in Chinese : 被判为无效的比赛
- "the game" in Chinese : 生日游戏; 心理游戏; 这场游戏; 致命游戏
- "they game" in Chinese : 太空防卫战
- "game and game" in Chinese : 双方各胜一局
- "access sequential" in Chinese : 序列存取
- "bit sequential" in Chinese : 位序列的
- "chain, sequential" in Chinese : 序列链路
- "construct, sequential" in Chinese : 序列构造
- In a sequential game, the players move in turn
Other Languages
- "sequential game" meaning in Russian: игра с последовательной выборкой
"sequential filling" in Chinese, "sequential filter network, active" in Chinese, "sequential fission" in Chinese, "sequential fitness" in Chinese, "sequential flash" in Chinese, "sequential garbage collection" in Chinese, "sequential hazard" in Chinese, "sequential hemibody irradiation" in Chinese, "sequential hemibody irradiations" in Chinese,
- "sequential filling" in Chinese
- "sequential filter network, active" in Chinese
- "sequential fission" in Chinese
- "sequential fitness" in Chinese
- "sequential flash" in Chinese
- "sequential garbage collection" in Chinese
- "sequential hazard" in Chinese
- "sequential hemibody irradiation" in Chinese
- "sequential hemibody irradiations" in Chinese
What is the meaning of sequential game in Chinese and how to say sequential game in Chinese? sequential game Chinese meaning, sequential game的中文,sequential game的中文,sequential game的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by